Dateline: T's Classroom.
Continent: North America
Country: USA
Why: Thanksgiving
What: Gratitude Bowl.
Introduced our family tradition of naming something you are grateful for, writing it down, and placing it in the gratitude bowl. We read these before meals during this season of the Great Feast.
What they said:
"I'm thankful for my Mom giving me money when I clean up my room."
"I'm thankful for hockey."
"I'm thankful for Max."
What we said:
Native Americans were the first Americans to greet the Pilgrims. Lloyd read his illustrator-sister, Woodleigh's book (The Precious Gift). Navaho myth that kept the children entertained and amazingly attentive. I sliced thick, velvety pumpkin pie and delicately placed tiny slices on small plates with sporks. Wished my camera was completely silent so I could take more photos. Put the camera down in the name of no distractions.
What they left:
Not a crumb.
Pleas for "seconds."
We left:
Giving thanks for the children in our midst. All of them. These little beings keep us in the present. Each is truly, a Precious Gift.