To my awesome Dad, on Father's Day~
There are a many things I'm grateful for, but a few thoughts come to mind today.
Thank you for...
1. Flying out immediately once you heard your first grandchild was born, despite all my protests not to have ANY visitors during the days immediately after his birth. I'll say it again, You were right.
1a. Following all my bizarre NewMom rules on that visit like "No talking in the car on the way home from the hospital." Dad, I said no talking. Shhhhh...you're going to wake him up.
2. Saving all my 'letters home' from the Air Force Academy. What I once thought was a waste of drawer space, I'm now excited to read some day...although probably not before my children are grown and my house is clean.

3. Answering the phone at 6am every morning I rang in those dark days that followed September 11th, 2001...for a few weeks that was the brightest part of my day.
5. Thinking I'm the best photographer in the world, and making me feel like it's as important ("or more") than being a pilot.

6. And most of all, dear Dad, thanks for teaching me how to brew the perfect cup of English tea. I would truly be lost in life without the lesson that all things get better over a cup of tea...as long as it is strong and brewed with love.