29 March 2009

Camera, Come to Mama

Liam's face says it all...this is how I felt, too, when we looked outside this morning.

As I said, we've got a lot to learn about Chicago!

What's better than coffee first thing in the morning?

A snow angel, of course!

I said a cup of joe, not a cup of snow!


Linda Summerfield said...

I love your beautiful photos, hate our horrible weather!!!!
I donated our winter boots and Ben's coat last week. I have lived here for 15 years, you'd think I would have learned by now.

Laura Z said...

looking forward to following what you guys are up to!

Pauline Valvo Alford said...

Beautiful photos! Glad you got out to enjoy the snow, I stayed inside :-)

Tamara said...

It's a real shame he didn't enjoy his snow morning ;)

What lovely pictures! Thank you for sharing them with us! While it certainly hasn't been *that* cold here, we've been experiencing a longer than normal winter/spring mix (they call it "spring" in the rest of the country, I think lol). It hailed this morning and is now crisp outside. Here I was expecting more 80 degree temps...