I feel as happy as my boys were this morning at the sight of several pounds of chocolate wrapped in little foil niblets. To borrow from Woody Allen, when it comes to chocolate, "Love is too weak a word for what I feel--I luurve, luff with 2 fs." And I intend to pass this love affair down to my sons. Chocolate is, I can honestly say, my only vice.
So we had lots of chocolate. Yes, it was a good day.

Squinting with pleasure at the sight of ye ol' plastic-pastel eggs scattered all over the backyard this morning...

Easter Hopscotch.
I love the simplicity in the morning light and shadows on our drive. And how my boys dance unaware in its warmth.
Liam drew the hopscotch with the chalk that was in his basket. Then Teagan came along to hop through it while holding his egg. These brothers flow into and out of each other's worlds. Their movement reminds me of the very opening and closing of shadows on their play surface...moments of time etched in my memory like the colored chalk into the asphalt.
Simple delights. Half a yellow egg on Easter morning.

Silk Warrior, Resting.
Back to our Waldorf roots, the boys spent most of the day in their silks.
Even a Prince tuckers out...eventually. A good day, indeed.

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