Today was one of those memory book days...the beauty of fall in the blue of the sky, the pleasant chill in the air, and the unbelievable color of leaves lining every path. And, of course, the requisite pumpkin patch.
But you will not see in this post orange rows of over-sized pumpkins with little lads propped up on that one (you know its coming) for another day. No, this is about the photos I didn't take.

When it came time to use the pumpkin-patch-port-a-potties, I did a double-take at my dangling I really want to risk this baby in the over-used toilet shack? No, better to risk it in the hands of my beloveds. So L went on a photo spree while I was busy practicing Mama Preach: For the love of God, Don't touch anything in there...all the while wishing I had a gallon of Purell in my backpack.
When I emerged from the green plastic vault, I took an overdue inhale. Looking like a Superfund site that refused to be fully contained, the ports were a popular docking station for young and old alike visiting the patch. Ye ol' necessary evil for any serious patch visitor. And there was L...happpily snapping away at all the goings-on in and around the ports.
L was handling my wide angle lens like a little pro. I was so impressed with what he took. I could not believe how level all his shots were. Especially considering this camera around his neck was like a 50 pound sack of gourds around ours!
It was such a great reminder about seeing the world through their eyes, their perspective, and their height. Never in a million patch outings would it have interested me to photograph these "portable sinks" that go with the "portable potties" like he did.

But at his height, they are strangely cool. It was so neat for me to view a little portion of our day through his vantage. Especially when you think about just how much kids are told to wash their hands these days. The Swine, damnit, the Swine. Get under your finger nails, Billy Bob.
Of course, siblings being siblings....T had to have a try once I got out. He needed a little bit of help to support the lens.
I promptly forgot about their photo sprees until I downloaded the card onto my computer. I instantly recognized a face, but simultaneously observed an expression that I didn'trecognize...even though I've shot him a thousand times too many to count.
Here are T's shots of his brother. L's face is decidedly a face just for bro...expressions, sentiments, and sauciness reserved just for him...certainly not for Mama.

I call this one: "Who's your Big Bad Brother?"

Looks like there's soon to be more cameras in da haus. Oy!
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