Yesterday I wrote about my first-grader and his hopes that were dashed of lunching with Mr. Principal following the school's fundraiser.
As Gomer Pyle would say, "Surprise, surprise, surprise!"
I wrote a note to Mr. Principal suggesting that next year they should consider putting things (the almighty prize credits, for instance) into a handout for the younger grades to take home when the fundraiser arrives...lest another lad (or lassie's) stroll down Paul Harvey Lane, which meanders a bit before curving a slight right, and eventually landing on Disappointment Alley. Of course, it is not that I don't simply adore midnight shopping for wrapping paper and lavender-scented travel accessories that will sit in the closet for the next decade...or purchasing chocolates well-intended as gifts that will no doubt end up along my waistline for same decade. Heavens, NO! It's all in the name of school support, of course! I treasure those opportunities to learn what cello bags are, in fact, and look forward to our 16 packets of Cocoa Amore gourmet flavors and my Think It, Ink It sketch pad.
Much to my surprise, however, Mr. Principal said that despite the fact that we are not home to Top Seller, that he does like to eat lunch with the students as often as he can and that (drum roll), our L. would be welcome to bring a friend and join him for lunch someday...unrelated to the fundraiser, of course. OF COURSE!
Well you know it--we're dancin' in our rainboots today, folks! Dancin' and a howlin' with the blustery winds...thank you, Mr. Principal, thank you!!!!
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